I am really looking forward to having our son in your hands again tomorrow...

The Phoenix Center for Osteopathy

Phoenix Centre for Osteopathy The Phoenix Centre for Osteopathy and Neurodevelopment, located at 1021 Fairbairn Street, Peterborough, Ontario offers osteopathic services to Peterborough and the Kawartha District areas. Services are provided by Valerie MacLean, D.Sc.O., D.O.M.P. Please see Our Services to read more about Valerie and services we offer.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a form of natural holistic medicine that focuses on restoring and maintaining physical well being. For more information about osteopathy and its uses take a look at our Understanding Osteopathy page. Also see our History of Osteopathy page to see more information about the development and history of Osteopathy.

What to expect upon making an appointment

Please see Our Appointments page for information on what a Manual Practitioner of Osteopathy does and what to expect upon making an appointment with us.

For more information, or to make an appointment, please contact us.