I am really looking forward to having our son in your hands again tomorrow...

History of Osteopathy

When you have adjusted the physical to its normal demands, nature supplies the remainder.The Development of Osteopathy

 In 1847, after ten years of intensive research, Andrew Taylor Still M.D., an American physician and surgeon, first described the method and applications of Osteopathy. He founded the first school of Osteopathy in 1892. In the 1900s, Dr Stills research and its therapeutic applications were further explored and broadened to the cranial field by William Garner Sutherland, D.O.

History of Osteopathy in CanadaHistory of Osteopathy in Canada a Brief Summary

French Osteopath Dr. Philippe Druelle, D.O., founded the first Canadian osteopathic school in Montreal in 1981. 

  • In 1991, Dr. Druelle founded a College in Munich Germany (DOK).
  • In 1992, he founded the Canadian College of Osteopathy (CCO) in Toronto. www.osteopathy-canada.com
  • The Canadian College of Osteopathy has built its leading-edge program on the foundations provided by its parent school in Montreal.
  • The cornerstones of this foundation are tradition, palpation, research and clinical methodology.
  • The Dr. Druelle has since founded a school in Quebec City, Vancouver, Halifax, Winnipeg, and Switzerland.
  • The expertise in the use of Traditional Osteopathy offered by graduates of the schools across Canada has created a rapid spread the use of osteopathy across our country.
